National Coordination Function (NCF)

Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA) has been funded by the Australian Government for two years (until until 30 June 2024), to coordinate services between seven to seventeen Disability Representative Organisations (or DROs) that engage in systematic advocacy on behalf of people with disability.

The National Coordination Function (NCF) will support:

  • National Disability Representative Organisations funded by the Australian Government ​
  • DRO program by providing secretariat support and other key functions​
  • Improved collaboration between DROs, leading to more coordinated input and advice to government; and​
  • Streamlined and strategic reporting to the Department on the outputs of DRO work

Latest Announcements

Joint Statement: Amendments Vital to Make NDIS Bill Fair

FRIDAY, 21 JUNE 2024The recommendations in the report of the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee into the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Amendment Bill 2024 are profoundly disappointing and disrespectful, say disability organisations.Our...

DANA Endorses Joint Submission on NDIS Amendment Bill 2024

WEDNESDAY, 22 MAY 2024In a joint submission to the Senate of Community Affairs Legislative Committee, Disability Representative Organisations (DROs) have raised concerns that the proposed Bill has failed to respond to NDIS Review and the Disability Royal Commission,...

Disability Representative Organisations of the NCF:

*DANA is funded in our own right as a peak for the individual advocacy sector. In this capacity, DANA is recognised as a DRO to deliver systemic advocacy through representing people who engage with individual disability advocacy supports.