Priorities Project

The Priorities Project – Putting People with Disability First

Overview of the project

The Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Review handed down their final recommendations in 2023. These historic recommendations, 248 in total, have the potential for enormous change for people with disability across many areas of their lives. However, in order to realise this potential, priorities need to be agreed on and reform activities need to begin. The Priorities Project was about ensuring the work put in by people with disability, independent disability advocates, subject matter experts, families and allies across both reforms is honoured by creating a pathway towards reform. 

The Priorities Project team worked together with the independent disability advocacy sector to understand advocacy priorities from the Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Review. From there, we proposed practical, short-term solutions the Federal Government can implement to ensure that change happens and that people with disability are the leaders and drivers of disability reform. 

The full report

Together with people with disability, independent disability advocates, experts and other supporters, we have identified key priorities and actions for change. For every priority, we have developed actions that can be taken in the next 1 – 2 years. These actions are addressed as a list of recommendations published in a final report.

Our recommendations include actions that will help the Federal Government understand what people with disability need, trials and pilot sites of currently missing or underfunded supports and services, and recommendations that make sure people with disability are centred as the experts in disability supports and in making change.

On May 8, 2024, the full Priorities Project Report was launched by the DANA team and The Hon Bill Shorten MP, Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Watch the full video from our online launch event below:

Find out more

About the project
Our consultations
References and readings
Read the full report
Read the full report
About our priorities and actions
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Our consultations
Our consultations

Frequently Asked Questions

How did we complete the Priorities Project?

The project focused on listening to a variety of stakeholders, including Disability Representative Organisations, DANA members, independent disability advocates, people with disability, and experts. We conducted 28 sessions with 130 participants, covering key topics and actions for reform based on the Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Review recommendations. We also received submissions, position statements, and community consultation summaries to inform the recommendations in the final report.

What priorities did we hear about? 

The disability advocacy sector has identified six key priorities from the reform processes:
1. Access and eligibility for disability support
2. Housing
3. Safeguarding
4. Establishing Foundational Supports
5. Representation and inclusion
6. Advocacy

What did the Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Review say about the priorities? 

The Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Review addressed every identified priority, offering key recommendations such as establishing a ‘provider of last resort’ scheme for disability support, supporting navigation of service systems, phasing out group homes, introducing Housing and Living Navigators, and making changes to Specialist Disability Accommodation. Safeguarding suggestions included creating a ‘one-stop shop’ complaints process and an NDIS Review Implementation Working Group. Other recommendations included expanding the Community Visitor Scheme, investing in foundational supports, establishing a First Nations Disability Forum, investing in First Nations disability workforces, and emphasising the need for co-design of reforms with people with disability. Advocacy recommendations involved developing a program to connect individuals in supported accommodation with independent disability advocacy and funding such advocacy services.

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