The Australian Government response to the Disability Royal Commission


DANA has made a submission to The Australian Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability 

There is no doubt that a mammoth and complex law and policy reform process lies ahead for the Australian governments and communities. DANA looks forward to many opportunities to help coordinate efforts across the disability advocacy sector for stronger laws and policy and improved systems to respond to and prevent violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people with disability. 

This submission outlines some of the urgent concerns that are immediately pressing and that would lay the groundwork for successful disability reform processes, reflecting the needs and perspectives of multiply marginalised and underrepresented people with disability, most likely to be experiencing exclusion, neglect, exploitation and/or violence in the current landscape.  

Our submission outlines action needed under three key areas: 

  • Independent disability advocacy  
  • Safeguarding 
  • Housing  

Read the full submission in either Word or PDF version below.

Also, you can read more information on the urgent need for increased funding for independent advocacy here.